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Urban Church Leadership Center: Preparing Young Ministers

Rev. Hector Bonano New York, NY

2024: Iglesia de Cristo Misionera is a Spanish Pentecostal church affiliated with the Missionary Churches of Christ and CONLICO networks. Operating in New York City and the greater New England region, they aspire to broaden their reach by establishing English-speaking congregations led by young ministers in existing churches. Through Urban Church Leadership Center: Preparing Young Ministers, the grant’s planning phase, they will gain insights into the unique needs of at least twenty churches in engaging with their younger generation. They will seek to understand these churches’ preferred areas of focus, the current approach of ministry towards the next generation (if any), educational necessities, the need for vocational training, and how to create a curriculum that caters to these needs. Furthermore, they will identify committed participants who will engage in a year-long process with the Urban Leadership Center to establish English-speaking churches throughout New York City and the greater New England area by the project’s conclusion.

Hector’s Grantee Cohort

The Strengthening Pastoral Formation for Ministry in the City initiative involves seminaries, theological institutions, and churches and intends to help communities and institutions explore and assess their own urban context and church life; gain clarity about their mission and programmatic offerings; and strengthen and support the design and implementation of plans to address key challenges and opportunities for pastoral formation and flourishing congregations in urban settings.

Hector’s Ministry
Program focus: Pastoral